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Amanita simulans
Genus: Amanita
Pileus-35-85mm - light grey-brown, sub-spherical initially, becoming convex, only very slightly umbonate, smooth. glabrous, margin with deep striations, velar patches adhering, grey-ochraceous rust, wooly.
Stipe-80-122mm x 12-20, white with grey hue, becoming pinkish-brown upon handling, tiny little grey-brown fibrils culminating in pointed markings toward the base. Cylindrical, narrowing at apex, widening at base. Volval sac - +- friable, hardly saccate, leaving only upper fringe, becoming ochre-fulvous, not unlike A. fulva, volva in colouration.
Gills - Barely free, adnexed, - white- cream, crowded, ventricose, edge friable, darkening with maturity leaving a lined edge (partial velar deposit).
Flesh-white-cream in cap and stem, fistulose in stem, ochre-fulvous in base. Taste mild, smell none.
Chemical reactions-Phenol vinaceous on stem flesh.
Spores broadly ellipsoid-subglobose
7.9-9.1 x 9.1-10.2um, smooth, hyaline. ( Generall sub-globose though some broadly ellipsoid mixed in)
Volval tissue dominated by large sphaerocystic cells, filamentous hyphae present also.